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Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan Referendum: Shaping the Future of Our Village

Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan Referendum: Shaping the Future of Our Village

Cranleigh is set to hold a significant referendum on Thursday, 20th June 2024, to decide the adoption of the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Development Plan for 2021-2032.

The referendum presents an opportunity for residents to have a direct say in the future development of their village.

The question on the ballot will be: “Do you want Waverley Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Cranleigh to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

Understanding Neighbourhood Plans

A Neighbourhood Plan is a community-led framework for guiding an area’s future development, regeneration, and conservation.

Established under the Localism Act 2011, these plans empower local communities to shape the development and growth of their areas.

Neighbourhood Plans cover a range of issues, including housing, employment, environment, and infrastructure, ensuring that local needs and preferences are addressed.

Background to the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan

The journey to the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan began in July 2013, when Cranleigh Parish Council applied to designate the parish as a Neighbourhood Area. This designation, approved by Waverley Borough Council, set the stage for a comprehensive and community-driven planning process.

The Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan was developed through extensive community engagement and consultation. Public meetings, surveys, workshops, and exhibitions were conducted to gather input from residents, businesses, and other stakeholders.

The plan reflects the collective vision and priorities of the Cranleigh community, aiming to balance growth with the preservation of the village’s unique character and natural environment.

Key Elements of the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan

The Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan sets out a vision for the parish up to 2032, focusing on several core areas:

Housing and Design: Ensuring high-quality, well-designed homes that meet local needs, including affordable housing and sustainable development practices.

Economy: Supporting local businesses and encouraging rural enterprises to sustain a vibrant local economy.

Environment: Protecting green spaces, enhancing biodiversity, and managing natural resources sustainably.

Infrastructure: Improving transport links, utilities, and community facilities to support a growing population.

Importance of Neighbourhood Plans

Neighbourhood Plans are vital tools for local communities, offering several key benefits:

Local Control: Residents have a direct say in shaping the development and growth of their area, ensuring that new developments reflect local needs and preferences.

Sustainable Development: Neighbourhood Plans promote sustainable practices, balancing development with the protection of the environment.

Community Cohesion: The planning process fosters community engagement and collaboration, strengthening local identity and social cohesion.

Legal Weight: Once adopted, Neighbourhood Plans become part of the statutory development plan for the area, influencing planning decisions and providing a clear framework for future development.

The Referendum

The upcoming referendum is the final step in the adoption of the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan.

A “Yes” vote will mean that Waverley Borough Council will use the plan to guide planning decisions, ensuring that Cranleigh’s future development aligns with the community’s vision.

The referendum area is identical to the Cranleigh neighbourhood area, encompassing the entire parish of Cranleigh.

Residents are encouraged to participate in the referendum and make their voices heard.

In February 2024, the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan referendum was suspended, along with the referendum for The Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan, by Order of the High Court.

This suspension, ordered only a week before the polling day, temporarily halted the community’s efforts to ratify the plan. The current referendum date of 20th June marks the resumption of this critical process.

It is important to note that the referendum on 20th June has nothing to do with the controversial plans to develop Cranleigh High Street. Those plans are part of a separate process managed by Surrey County Council and are not covered by the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan.

The focus of the Neighbourhood Plan remains on guiding the broader development and conservation efforts within the parish to reflect the community’s aspirations.

The Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan represents a significant milestone in local planning, empowering the community to shape a sustainable and vibrant future for the village.

For more information and to view the Cranleigh Neighbourhood Plan documents, visit the Cranleigh Parish Council website at